Aviation Consulting Services

Customized Part 135 / 145 Vendor Training

aviation training

As a FAA Part 135 Operator or an 145 Service maintenance provider you may find it difficult to qualify vendors to work on your outsourced articles or aircraft.

A charter operation may need one of their aircraft serviced at a remote location.  Before that can happen the 3rd party vendor must have training in your GMM procedures, RII procedures, AWR procedures and maybe RVSM.

On the other hand a Part 145 may also have to qualify their 3rd party vendors through training on their quality systems.

This is where Vendors Training steps in. www.vendorstraining.com has been launched by Blue Tuna to provide your company with custom built vendor training to qualify mechanics, inspectors, supervisors and other personnel online. www.vendorstraining.com provides On Line Vendor Training on your manuals, to qualify your vendors so aircraft are not sitting on the ground costing money when they could be flying. Vendors Training creates customized web pages and builds customized training to your specific need. We deliver your GMM training, your RII, RVSM and AWR training, provide automated quiz results sent right to your email box upon completion. Our solutions for meeting these types of situations does not have to be expensive, complicated or time consuming. Blue Tuna has the technical and market savvy to make vendor training specific to your company needs and meet regulatory requirements.

Documentation FAA Part 145 Repair Station manuals and Quality Control manuals, Repair Station Training Program manuals, AS9100, AS9110 manuals, FIS/PMA manuals, Contract proposals and customized documentation for individual companies are just a few of Blue Tuna Offerings.

Seminars Blue Tuna conducts on site seminars for Human Factors, this is an 8 hour course that is FAA AMT Awards approved.  Blue Tuna conducts periodic seminars on industry specific topics throughout the year.  We an also arrange seminars on site for your company, built specifically for you.

Training Blue Tuna offers a vairety of training products available for purchase on this site.  We can arrange customized training programs for your organization.

Consulting Blue Tuna consults with companies for AS9100 & AS9100 certification, Start Up on Repair Stations and we can assist you in respone to audit issues.

Need a Form?  Over time Blue Tuna has created and accumulated forms for Repair Stations, Manufacturing and QMS. We provide our customers with forms as we have them or need to build them.

Part 145 Start Up Consulting

Information for starting up a Part 145 Repair Station generally starts with the Flight Standards Information Management System, specifically Volume 2 Chapter 11 “Certification of Title 14 CFR Part 145  (Start with 8900.1 Contents).Usually starting up a Part 145 Repair Station is the same from one district to the next, with the exception of the intial steps of contacting your local FSDO. All FSDOs will require a PASI form, a Repair Station Manual / Quality Control Manual, a Training Program Manual and a Letter of Compliance.  Contact Blue Tuna for help with these. We will work in all the FSDOs within the United States as well as foreign repair stations.  (Contact Us for help with writing the manuals or consulting for the entire project).Here are the relevant Advisory Circulars:

Advisory Circulars

  • AC 65-24 Advisory Circular for Certification of a repairman
  • AC 65-31 Training , qualification, and certification of Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) personnel
  • AC 120-78 Advisory Circular for Acceptance and use of electronic signatures, electronic recordkeeping systems, and electronic manuals
  • AC 145-9 Guide for Developing and Evaluating Repair Station and Quality Control Manuals
  • AC 145-10 Repair Station Training Program
aviation training
aviation training