Aircraft Systems Training

Blue Tuna online courses for aircraft systems training represent various aircraft systems including wiring, terminations, CDCCL, Fuel Cell, Sheet Metal and Avionics.



Aircraft Systems Training Course Details:

Number of Courses Available: 14

Training Author: Terry Tolleson

Course Certifications: AMT Awarded, FAA Approved

Date Added: April 8, 2012

Order Aircraft Systems Training

Avionics Blueprints

Aircraft are built and wired per drawings and blueprints. There are several types of drawings used in the manufacturing and working on aircraft. The goal of this course is to familiarize the student with these drawings and enable you to utilize the drawings to safely complete tasks with out error in the minimum time. View Time is 30 minutes, total estimated time 45 – 50 minutes. AMT Awards Approved.

Avionic Fundamentals

Blue Tuna’s Avionics Fundamentals covers the theory of the general operation of Avionics equipment. Upon completion of the course the student will be able to state the purpose and function of the following: Theory of Flight and Control Surfaces; Electrical Safety; Electrical Power Sources; Altimetry and the Atmosphere; Pilot Static Systems; Servo Motors and Tach Rate Generators; Inertial Reference; Compass Systems; Inertial Navigation / Reference Systems; Automatic Direction Finder; Global Positioning Systems; Air Traffic Control System; Distance Measuring Equipment; Marker Beacon Systems; Radio Altimeter Principle; Air Data Systems; Ground Proximity Warning System; Flight Directors; Auto Pilot; Autopilot Yaw Damper – Rudder System; Automatic Flight Guidance Systems; Area Navigation; Radio Altimeter; Weather Radar; and Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems. 40 minutes to view, total training time 60 minutes, FAA AMT Awards approved.

Battery Installation & Maintenance

Thanks to Concorde Batteries for this excellent training for the Installation and Maintenance of Lead Acid Aircraft Batteries. The following topics are covered, Battery Life, Types of Lead Acid Batteries, Safety Precautions, Battery Ratings, Battery Installation, NiCad vs. Lead Acid Batteries, Testing, Charging – Discharging, Battery Conditioning, Battery Removal and Disposal. This one hour training course is packed with information covering a full array of topics on installation and maintenance of batteries for Aircraft applications. 50 minutes view time total train time of 60 minutes, FAA AMT Awards Approved.

Critical Design Configuration Control / SFAR88 (CDCCL)

CDCCL Training The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the requirements for Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCLs) and Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems (EWIS). The course is 15 minutes in length and includes a student guide and quiz.

Confined Space Entry Aircraft Fuel Tanks

Confined Space Entry is a training program designed to help you identify permit spaces and their hazards; the OSHA Permit Entry Program; how a permit can keep you safe while you work in confined spaces; and the training and duties of a confined space team. View time is 22 minutes, total training time 30 minutes.

Fiber Optics

Blue Tuna’s Fiber Optics courses covers the following: Multi Mode Fiber Optics with SMA connectors, safety procedures, history of fiber optics, product specs, tooling requirements, termination of SMA type 905 connectors, testing of cables and installation rules. The view time on this course is 33 minutes, with a handout and 10 question quiz, for a total training time of 45 minutes. FAA AMT Awards approved.

Crimping and Stripping for Terminations

This course is designed to provide the student with the general basic knowledge of hand tools for crimping and stripping for quality terminations. In the course you will learn: Basic Wire Terminations; Contacts and Terminals; Wire Strip Lengths; Correct Wire Cutting; AWG and CMA; Inspection of strips and crimping and avionics hand tools. View time 40 minutes, total train time of 50-60 minutes. FAA AMT Awards.

Fuel Bladder Cell Repair

Fuel Cells have a service life that is affected by many factors such as flight hours, removal and replacement cycles and environmental conditions. Most of the aircraft flying today have long exceeded their original expected life. Many of these aircraft have been through one or more airframe or avionics modifications programs. However, the service life of fuel cells is often not considered, as there is no mention of this in the various publications, manuals or Technical Orders. This training covers the basics of Bladder Fuel Cell Repair. 18 minutes view time, for 30 minutes total training, FAA AMT Awards.

Integral Fuel Tank Maintenance

Integral Fuel Tank Maintenance and Leak Detection training is a comprehensive overview of Integral Fuel Tank Maintenance covering sealant storage requirements, mixing of sealants, application of sealants, life span of materials, prep work, application and testing.. (Viewing length 43 minutes, 10 question quiz, student guide, total estimated training time 60 minutes.) FAA AMT Awards.

National Alternator Tear down and Repair

The National N400 alternators are heavy-duty, high output replacements for the Ford 95/100 amp alternators. The training courses reviews the basic tear down, inspection and testing of the unit. (Approximately 15 minute presentation, quiz and handout for a 45 minute total time review and test.)

Aircraft Charging Systems

From Lamar Technologies, this training course focuses on the basic of Troubleshooting the Aircraft Charging System. The 25 minute presentation covers the Basic Charging System, the Alternator, the Self Rectified Alternator, the VSF System, the Alternator Control Unit, how to diganiose a dead battery, over-voltage trips, low voltage problems, belt malfunctions and over voltage conditions.

View Time 25 minutes, total training time 60 minutes, AMT Awards

Safety Wiring

The purpose of this training is to help guide the user in the basic practice of Safety Wiring and other types of fastners so they do not work loose due to vibration. This is intended to be used as a basic introduction. It is not intended to be used in place of procedures at your workplace or in any other production or service publications. 10 minute viewing plus a quiz with student handout. Total training time .5 hour. FAA AMT Awards

Basic Aircraft Sheet Metal Intro

This course will familiarize the technician with metal types and to assist in correct cutting and layout techniques consistently to specific standards used in aircraft. View time is approximately 25 minutes with a handout and quiz.. FAA AMT Awards